
  • Deposit Protection for Landlords

    Deposit Protection for Landlords

    Landlords offered a 90 day Amnesty to register Deposits – or face a hefty fineFollowing the implementation of the Deregulation Act on the 26 March 2015, thousands of landlords with long-standing tenants could now face a shock penalty unless...

  • Court Fees for Inheritance Act Claims

    Court Fees for Inheritance Act Claims

    As highlighted by our previous advice blog entitled "Increase in Court Fees from 9th March 2015", a new schedule of court fees recently came into force under the Civil Proceedings and Family Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2015 which rad...

  • Zero Hour Contracts

    Zero Hour Contracts

    What are they?"Zero-hour Contracts" technically have no legal definition in English law, but are understood to quite simply refer to employment contracts where no guarantee of work is given. Despite the negative press that appears to surrou...

  • Increase in Court Fees from 9th March 2015

    Increase in Court Fees from 9th March 2015

    In recent years we have seen a number of changes to the way the court system operates, including court fees and court access. Examples include the introduction of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012, which narrowe...

  • It's Never too Late to Claim!

    It's Never too Late to Claim!

    On 11th March 2015 the Supreme Court decision in the case of Kathleen Wyatt and Dale Vince has caused many people to rush to check whether they obtained a Consent Order dealing with their finances when they were divorced.The couple separate...

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